Al Walser is the founder and producer of the high end annual red carpet events - THE SOIRÉE
(US during Grammy weekend) and REBEL&CAVIAR (Switzerland in August)
Al Walser is the producer of the 2020 & 2017 GRAMMY®-Winning albums and a 2012 GRAMMY®-Nominated artist.
Al Walser is the producer and host of the weekly leading Top 20 Countdown show, syndicated on hundreds of radio stations worldwide.

Syndicated Show Host

Hollywood, CA
From Liechtenstein to LA
BIO (short GERMAN version at the bottom)
"Before Al Walser,
there was the Elite"
We congratulate Al Walser to the GRAMMY®-Win
at the 2020 GRAMMY's®

Al Walser is a singular event! His story and biography can't be replicated!
Welcome to the unique story of Al Walser!
Al Walser originates from the smallest country in the world, Liechtenstein. Al is in fact Liechtenstein’s very first biracial citizen son (Black African and White), a unique 'Black Swan' experience!
Al Walser is a GRAMMY®-WINNING musician and producer of several GRAMMY®-WINNING albums. He's also the producer and host of the syndicated weekly US TOP 20 Show, aired on hundreds of stations worldwide and founder of the annual Galas THE SOIRÉE in the US and the REBEL&CAVIAR Night in Switzerland. His widely celebrated Christmas TV Special most recently won two TELLY AWARDS and was broadcast on PBS nationwide over 100 times. The special has now also been included by AMAZON Prime.
Al Walser is a modern day Rock'n'Roll music renegade and entertainment pioneer. His unique forward pushing sound and his rebellious approach towards today's music industry infects people's consciousness while disrupting the status quo. In an industry where popular music has shorn off their rough edges, Al Walser dares to be raw.
An outstanding marketer, musician and producer who's been highly featured and profiled on magazines such as Billboard, Rolling Stones, NPR and SPIN. He’s the ideal mentor for anyone tired of outdated, expensive and ineffective methods in the music industry. Al Walser has been the first 100% DIY independent artist to ever get a GRAMMY®-Nomination in a major label driven category. His Nomination was highly publicized around the world and has opened the gate to new independent artists striving to make a mark on the entertainment's highest platform.
Where many today rub off their rough edges, stopping major disruption from happening but yet trying to appeal to everybody, Al Walser is the antidote, the opposite of phony culture.
It is truly the American dream. Al Walser originates from the tiniest double landlocked country on earth, Liechtenstein, where he finished his studies with the Matura at the Liechtenstein Gymnasium, to then succeed in music in America. His efforts have paid off many times over. Al’s singing career started at the tender age of 8 years. In his early teenage years he won several Karaoke festivals. Later, when Radio Liechtenstein was founded , a young Al Walser quickly rose to become the country’s first native Radio personality, hosting the morning shows, the weekly Charts and his own music special. He went on the air the same week the station was founded and helped shape and modernize Liechtenstein's electronic media.
After his radio stint he joined the Hamburg based Pop Group Fun Factory with whom he toured throughout the world. Al wrote, performed and co-produced many of the group's hit tracks. One of the many hit songs " Party With Fun Factory " became Japan’s most played Dance song in its era also topping Japan's ZIP 100 charts. As a member of the legendary Team 33 production team in Hamburg, Al Walser, wrote and produced projects from producer Dieter Bohlen such as " Kids In America " from Touché. Other projects included dance chart project 2 Eivissa and a 1 year solo tour with Berlin’s #1 Hit station JAM FM and the 2nd place in the Swiss Eurovision song contest qualification for his written and produced song "Just for You" with Nubya.
In 2012, he was nominated for a Grammy for the first time. His Hit production of the single "Trendsetter" for teen star Joelina Drews has been included in the soundtrack to the hit TV show “Beverly Hills 90210“. His production for Ted Nash's album won the Grammy in 2017.
Al Walser can currently be seen on numerous international TV Shows . He’s today also one of the most televised celebrities in the GERMAN speaking TV Station market. Al Walser is also the producer and host of the weekly syndicated Countdown Show "US TOP 20 Show" which is currently broadcast and syndicated weekly on radio stations worldwide.
Deutsch/ German (kurze Fassung)
Al Walser ist Kult. Ein wahrer Vorleber des “Alles ist Möglich” Prinzips. Vom ganz Kleinen, ins ganz Grosse. Al Walser's Biografie liest sich wie die Erfüllung des amerikansichen Traumes schlechthin. In der Schweiz geboren, in Liechtenstein aufgewachsen, gilt der heutige GRAMMY® Gewinner Al Walser als eine der inspirierendsten Persönlichkeiten aus dem Schweiz-Liechtensteinischem Raum. 2021 macht seinen Christmas TV Special zu einem der erfolgreichsten Weihnachts Specials des Jahres. In den USA alleine wird der Special auf den PBS Stationen rund 100 mal ausgestrahlt. (Sie finden die US Sendezeiten auf unserer Frontseite) 2021 gewinnt der TV Special den legendären amerikanischen TELLY AWARD (US Fernsehpreis). In der Schweiz erhielt STAR TV die Rechte für die Ausstrahlungen während der 2021 Weihnachtszeit. Der Special wurde u.a. mittlerweilen auch vom US Giganten Amazon mit ins Programm genommen. Im Frühjahr 2022 erscheint das lang erwartete und von ihm produzierte Doppel-Album von Schlager König Roberto Blanco.
​Als Mentor ist Al Walser heute regelmässig im Deutschen Fernsehen zu sehen. Seine jährlichen SOIRÉE Galas während dem Grammy Wochenende und seiner jährlich in der Schweiz stattfindenden Rebel&Caviar Gala, gehören zu den trendigsten Events des Partykalenders. Weiters ist der in Los Angeles lebende Musiker Produzent und Moderator der US TOP 20 Show, welche auf Radiosendern weltweit wöchentlich ausgestrahlt wird.
Al Walser’s Position als Deutschsprachiger im Entertainment Business ist weltweit einzigartig.
Angefangen im Studio 33 / Hamburg (u.a. Dieter Bohlen), kann der in Los Angeles ansässige Al Walser mittlerweilen auf eine einzigartige Karriere zurückblicken.
Mit 3 Erfolgen bei den Grammys (2020 GRAMMY® Gewinn, 2017 GRAMMY®-Winning Album -Producer / 2012 Nominiert für einen GRAMMY® - Artist/Mixer/Producer) hat Al Walser
auch in den USA, nicht nur für ihn, grosses bewirkt.
Als erster Künstler in der Geschichte der Grammys konnte er sich als 100% Do It Yourself Künstler in einer grossen Kategorie, neben Calvin Harris, Avicii, Swedish House Mafia und Skrillex, eine Grammy® Nomination sichern. Al Walser sorgte somit für den Urknall aller ihm folgenden
Independent Künstlern bei den Grammys.
Als Mentor ist Al Walser heute auch regelmässig im Deutschen Fernsehen zu sehen. Mehr hier: https://www.alwalser.com/tv-shows
Seine jährliche SOIRÉE Gala während dem Grammy Wochenende, gehört mittlerweilen zu den angesagtesten und wichtigsten Events während der Grammy Woche. www.thesoiree.la
1mal wöchentlich moderiert AL LIVE aus Los Angeles die Weekly US TOP 20 Show, welche auf über 500 Radio Sendern weltweit ausgestrahlt wird. www.ustop20.com